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HomeSocial MediaTips to Keep in Mind for Twitter Marketing

Tips to Keep in Mind for Twitter Marketing

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Twitter is home to the most influential people in the world. You will find not only the politicians but also journalists, social workers, influencers, entertainers, and individuals from every industry. Moreover, companies also ensure their presence on Twitter to cater to the requests and complaints of their customers, and also to keep an eye on their competitors.

Bearing this in mind, you will certainly consider Twitter marketing as an opportunity in future. So do keep in mind the following tips:

Understand your Target Audience

Compiling an effective audience avatar has always been the superior priority for any business to engage their research and development team. It is an evergoing procedure to keep on testing new audiences and identifying the potential customers. Hence, when we are advertising on Twitter, we need to have a keen understanding of our audience. We need to know what copywriting inspires them. We need to know what creative they find appealing. We need to know what kind of content they engage the most with. Hence, it is important to know the needs and trends of the audience.

Respect the Time Availability of Audience

People at Twitter are used to short, comprehensive and meaningful content. Even a lot of people protested for Twitter’s move to increase the Tweet’s limit from 140 to 280 characters in the past. Hence, as a brand you need to know how to compile a short message to be delivered to these people. 

Subjectivity or Objectivity?

Advertising has always been thriving on emotions of the people. Advertisers trigger certain emotions in their audiences to win the trust of their customers. However, this might not always be true in the case of Twitter. There are however some areas where people are more objective in their reasoning and liking of a brand. So make sure you know your audience very well before triggering their emotions.

When to Keep Copywriting Concise?

If you are advertising with a video, make sure your copywriting in the Tweet’s body is not lengthy. Although you are provided with 280 character limit, it is wise to limit yourself to 140 characters when you are advertising a video.


Twitter is one of the great ways to expand your exposure to companies and individuals alike. Make sure you are aware of the trends being followed by both companies and individuals so that your marketing is not alienated from what is being followed on Twitter.

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